Amalki Rasayan Benefits For Periods, Digestion & Hairfall

Amla - Indian Goose Berries

Amalki Rasayan is a classical ancient Ayurvedic medicine which has numerous health benefits due to its inherent rejuvenating nature. The preparation is beneficial for the brain, eyes, heart, stomach, liver, skin and hair. It improves the functions and health of these organs.

Rasayana(रसायन) is a Sanskrit word which derives from the words ‘Rasa’ and ‘Ayana’. Rasa is literally the essence of something, it is said that anything consumed by the body is firstly resynthesized into Rasa Dhatu or basic plasma tissue. Ayana refers to the path by which the Rasa is carried to all the body tissues for Rasakriya or biochemical metamorphosis.

Amalaki (Amla) or Indian Gooseberry ripens in autumn in wet forests and hilly areas of the Indian subcontinent, it is considered as a sacred tree and is well known across the region for its sour taste and nourishing qualities.


Amalaki Rasayana Preparation


Amalaki Rasayana is prepared using Amla Churan (Amla Powder) titrated with fresh Amla Swaras (Amla Juice) ground in a mortar with a pestle for 21 days and then left to dry in the shade. There are however variations of the preparation which may include more substances like cow ghee (clarified butter), pippali (long pepper) and honey among others.

The uses may vary slightly and though the fear of side effects in Ayurvedic medicine is considered negligible it is advisable to be more informed before use. The preparation has a cooling effect on the body and may worsen pain in arthritis patients, who are thus advised to take the preparation that has long peppers which increases the heat of the preparation. Large doses must be avoided in diarrhoea, loose motion, and dysentery. Heart patients are also advised to take it after consultation with a trustworthy practitioner.

The preparation is rich in natural vitamin C which assists the body in the absorption of iron and maintaining the health of individuals. Amalaki Rasayana is a potent antioxidant with bioflavonoids which help the body in combating free radicals and the harmful effects brought by the long-term exposure to heavy metals like aluminium, nickel, and lead. Here are some more common uses and benefits of the formulation.


1. Amalki Rasayan Benefits – For the Eyes


The Rasayana is mostly used for its benefits for the eyes, and it prevents almost all eye diseases. It relieves eye stress and eye fatigue, reduces the risk of cataract, ocular hypertension, blurred vision, double vision, redness and burning of eyes, weak eyesight and most other eye conditions. It also helps to form and maintain collagen found in the cornea of the eyes.

2. Amalki Rasayan Benefits – For revitalizing the body


Studies have shown that taking Amalaki Rasayana with cow ghee and honey 3 times a day for a month and a half gives enormous relief in weakness, tiredness, headache, and heaviness in the body. On the other hand, significant improvements are found in anorexia and cramps.

The preparation increases circulation, digestion, and elimination. It gives strength to the heart, brain, stomach and other bodily organs and cures weakness caused by excessive and premature loss of the male reproductive fluid.


3. Amalki Rasayan Benefits – For the Digestive system


Being a digestive stimulant it is beneficial for the digestive system and increases appetite. It is also used to reduce the symptoms of gastritis and acid reflux working as an antacid. It is useful in detoxifying the liver and curing inflammatory and bleeding conditions of the intestines. With other combinations, it may be used to cure ulcers and stomach pain.


4. Amalki Rasayan Benefits – For Hair Fall


One of the greatest properties of Amla or Indian gooseberry is its anti-ageing effect. This formulation works wonders in case of hair loss problems and for premature greying of hair. It improves hair growth and thickness if used for a few months in continuation. I have written a full post on hair fall treatment with amalki rasayan, you can read it here.


5. Amalki Rasayan Benefits – For The Blood


The medicine is known to increases haemoglobin levels and aid in the formation of red blood cells.


6. Amalaki Rasayana For Scanty Periods / Irregular Periods

Amalaki rasayan is consumed with warm water for scanty periods. It should be taken empty stomach in the morning and 1 hour after lunch or breakfast. Do not consume anything for 1 hour after taking the medicine. Regular consumption for 3 months regularises the periods.

Remedy: Mix 150ml warm water with 4-5gm of honey and 10-15 drops of ginger juice. Take 2gms (or 1/2tsp) of Amalaki rasayan and swallow with the above water mix.

The remedy is also useful for PCOD.


Possible Side Effects & Precautions

It is advisable for patients with joint pains and arthritis, to have the medicine only mixed with a pinch of pippali.

The use of amalki rasayan increases urination due to its detoxification effect. It is advisable to increase water intake.


Other Uses :

Respiratory disorders
Cold and Cough
Bleeding Gums
Urinary Disorders
Vitamin C deficiency
Bleeding Disorders
Pain in Joints
Healing arterial damage

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