Mudgaparni is a regenerating annual and perennial (plant that can live more than two years) herb. Belonging to the family Fabaceae, it has two scientific names – Phaselous trilobus and Vigna trilobata. Known as Mudgaparni in Sanskrit, the herb is called Banmoong in Hindi and African gram in English.
The herb belongs to the category of legumes that is group of plants that help in fixing nitrogen. The plant has weakly twining stems, which are often red to violet in colour and possess a hairy exterior. Flowers are generally yellowish in colour and the pods are green when young, turning black when mature.
It is found in tropical and sub tropical areas, in the regions of India, Pakistan, Malay Archipelago, Myanmar, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. The herb prefers alkaline, well drained and clayey soils which crack. But it can also be found growing in loamy and sandy soils which might not be well drained. Mudgaparni is a drought resistant herb but its seeds cannot bear frost. Sometimes Mudgaparni is also identified with mung bean or green gram but is just the variety which grows in the wild.
Ayurveda lists Mudgaparni as an important herb, useful in curing a number of ailments. All parts of the plant, including root, leaves and bark are useful.
Mudgaparni: Uses and Properties
Mudgaparni is also often referred to as wild bean as it grows like a wild herb. But it has several other uses which differentiate it from other plants growing in the wild:
- It is mostly used as a fodder plant. Cattle commonly graze on the plant. However its scarce availability does not make it the most favourite fodder crops.
- The herb is palatable in nature and is even cooked as a vegetable in many households.
- This ancient Indian medicine system of Ayurveda revers the herb for its amazing medicinal properties and healing power.
The many properties of Mudgaparni include:
- Tonic
- Diuretic
- Hepatoprotective
- Sedative
- Coolant
- Anti helminthic
- Anti oxidant
- Anti microbial
- Anti oedema
According to Ayurveda, its medicinal uses and properties include:
- Kshata – useful in injuries and to control bleeding
- Grahani – helpful in curing aliments related to digestive system like diarrhea and constipation
- Atisara – useful in dysentry
- Daha – can help in suppressing burning sensation
- Jwara – helpful in chronic fevers
- Chakshushya – useful in eye related ailments
- Grahi – absorbent
- Pittahara – useful in disorders that arise due to Pitta imbalance
- Shothaghna – is anti inflammatory
- Krumi – useful in worm infestation
- Kshaya – useful in weight loss
- Shukrala – is helpful in improving sperm motility and semen quantity as well as quality
- Arsha – useful in haemohrrhoids
- Vatarakta – useful in gout
- Shosha – can help cure emaciation
Ayurvedic Properties or Gunadharma of Mudgaparni
- Physical property (Guna) – light (laghu), dry (rooksha)
- Taste (Rasa) – madhura or sweet
- Potency (Veerya) – sheeta or cool
- Conversion after digestion (Vipaka) – sweet after digestion
- Effect on doshas – mudgaparni is tridoshahara or it helps in balancing all the three doshas vata, pitta and kapha. However, it might lead to a slight increase in the Kapha dosha.
Ayurvedic Classification
Different scholars of Ayurveda classify Mudgaparni in different categories.
Charaka classifies the herb as:
- Madhura Skandha – or group of herbs that taste sweet
- Shukrajanana – group of herbs useful in improving semen quality
Sushruta classifies Mudgaparni as:
- Vidarigandhadi gana – group of herbs which help in balancing vata and pitta
- Kakolyadi gana – group of herbs which help in increasing milk quantity and quality in lactating mothers
Vagabhata classifies Mudgaparni as:
- Shukrajanana – group of herbs useful in improving semen quality
- Vidarigandhadi gana – group of herbs which help in balancing vata and pitta
Dhanwantari Nighantu Describes it as a cold, sweet herb that pacifies Vata and pitta, cures burning sensation, blood diseases, fever, worm infestation, acts as a spermopiotic and aggravates Kapha.
Uses & Benefits
Beneficial For Liver
The liver is that organ of the body which helps to keep the body free of toxins. However with rising pollution in air, water and soil, the pressure on liver is increasing and this is also leading to rise in liver disorders among people. Mudgaparni is one such herb blessed with hepatoprotective properties. It helps protect the liver from dangerous toxins and reduce the stress.
It is especially quite famous among the tribal people of the Nandurbar district (Maharashtra). They use it in the treatment of a number of disorders pertaining to the liver like jaundice.
Helps in removal of free radicals
Mudgaparni acts like an anti oxidant. That is it helps in flushing off the free radicals from the body. Free radicals create oxidative stress in the body and lead to the formation of benign and malignant tumors which often take the form of cancer.
Anti Inflammatory
Inflammatory problems include swellings due to insect stings or swollen joints due to disorders like gouty arthritis. Mudgaparni has anti inflammatory properties and applying the paste of the herb externally can help ease the pain and swelling.
Useful In Eye Disorders
Mudgaparni has been called chakshushya in Ayurveda because of its immense benefits for the eyes. The leaves of the mudgaparni plant can be used to extract their juice and use it as eye drops. It can help improve vision and is also helpful in many eye disorders.
For Pitta Balance
Excess pitta dosha can cause inflammation in the body or fever or even a variable blood pressure. Consuming Mudgaparni helps in balancing the pitta dosha.
Useful For Injuries
The paste of the herb is applied externally on injuries to stop bleeding and suppress the pain.
Worm Infestation
Mudgaparni has anti helminthic properties. This means that consuming the herb can help in saving our stomachs from worm infestations. Mostly worm infestations might not be much dangerous but sometimes they can also be fatal. Worm infestation decreases appetite and lead to loss of weight.
Beneficial in infectious diseases
It has also been found useful in infectious diseases like Flu, fever, cold, and tuberculosis.
Mudgaparni Dosage
All the parts of the Mudgaparni plant are used in manufacture of a number of medicinal formulations. The general dosage is:
- As powder or churna – 3 to 6 g
- As decoction – 50 to 100 ml
Different Ayurvedic Formulations which include Mudgaparni as ingredient include:
- Amrutha Jeevan Rasayanam – is a special rasyanam especially meant to improve the immunity of the body
- Vasakasav – this formulation is used in the treatment of inflammatory disorders
- Vidaryadi Kashayam – is beneficial in respiratory disorders
Side Effects and Precautions
As such this Ayurvedic herb Mudgaparni when taken in recommended dosage does not show any side effects, however following points should be kept in mind:
- Excess consumption can cause constipation. Should be avoided during constipation.
- Consult a doctor before consuming the herb in combination with anti biotics, other herbs or health supplements.
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You have written an excellent description about Mudgaparni. Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot Vaidya. I really appreciate it!