27 Ayurveda Quotes / Shlokas In Sanskrit With English Translations

#1. Definition of ‘Ayu’ – Life

Source: Charak Samhita

शरीरेन्द्रिय्सत्त्वात्म्संयोगो धारि जीवितम्

नित्यगश्र्चानुबन्धश्र्च पर्यायौरायुरुच्यते

Ayurveda Quotes 01

English Translation:

The term ‘Ayu’ meaning life is a combination of the Shareera (The Body), Indriya (Sense Organs), Satva (The Mind) & Atma (The Soul).

The body when combined with other three i.e sense organs, mind and soul, becomes life. Without the combination of all four, life does not exist.

Synonyms of life are

  • Dhari – the one that prevents the body from decay,
  • Jeevita – the one which remains alive, maintains life,
  • Nityaga – which keeps the soul, mind and sense intact with the body all the time, without discontinuation.
  • Anubandha – That which transmigrates from one body to another.

#2. Tridanda – Mind, Body & Soul

Source: Charak Samhita

सत्त्वमात्मा शरीरं च त्रयमेतन्त्त्रिदण्डत् |

लोकस्तिष्ठति संयोगात्तत्र सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम् ||

स पुमांश्र्चेतनं तच्च तच्चाधिकरणं स्मृतम् |

वेदस्यास्य, तदर्थं हि वेदोअयं सम्प्रकाशितः ||

Ayurveda Quotes 02

English Translation:


Satva (The Mind), Shareera (The Body) and Atma (The Soul) are the Tripods of life. The world is sustained by their combination; They constitute the basis for everything.

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#3. Definition of Atman (The Soul)

Source: Charak Samhita

निर्विकार: परस्त्वात्मा सत्वभूतगुणेन्द्रियै:

चैतन्ये कारणं नित्यो द्रष्टा पश्यति हि क्रिया:

Ayurveda Quotes 03

English Translation:

Nirvikara – ‘nir’ means un, and virkara means changing. The word nirvikara translates to unchanging, unaltered. Here this word is used in context to the soul. as it is described as eternal and unchanging.

The soul is essentially devoid of all deformities and is the cause of consciousness through the mind and the specific qualities of basic elements (touch, shape, smell, taste and sound). He is eternal. It is he who observers all activities of body and mind from within.

#4. Ayurveda Quotes In Sanskrit: Purpose of Life

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

आयु: कामायमानेन धर्मार्थ सुखसाधनम

आयुर्वेदोपदेशेषु विधेय: परमादर:

Ayurveda Quotes 04

English Translation:

To achieve the purpose of life, that is

1. Dharma – Following the path of righteousness

2. Artha – Earning money using legal means.

3. Kama – Fulfilling our desire

4. Moksha – Achieving Salvation,

To achieve this purpose, one should concentrate on having a long life. Vidheya or Obedience is the most important quality one must possess if one desires to learn the science of Ayurveda, which explains how to achieve this purpose.

#5. Secret Of Good Health (आरोग्य हेतव)

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

नित्यं हिताहारविहारसेवी समीक्ष्यकारी विषयेष्वसक्त:

दाता सम: सत्यपर: क्षमावानाप्तोपसेवी च भवत्यरोग:

Ayurveda Quotes 05

English Translation:

One who indulges daily in healthy foods and activities, who discriminates the good and bad of everything and then acts wisely, who is not attached too much to the objects of the senses, who develops the habit of charity, of considering all as equal, of truthfulness, of pardoning and keeping company of good persons only, becomes free from all diseases.

#6. Tridosha

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

वायु पिततं कफशचेति त्रयो दोषा: समास्त:

विकृता विकृतादेहं घ्नन्ति ते वर्त्तयन्ति चा

Ayurveda Quotes 06

English Translation:

Vata, Pitta and kapha are the three Doshas of the body. Perfect balance of three Doshas leads to health, imbalance in Tridosha leads to diseases.

#7. Ayurveda Quotes In Sanskrit: Types Of Digestive fires

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

तैर्भवेद्विषम: तीक्ष्णिो मन्दश्चाग्नि समै: सम:

Ayurveda Quotes 07

English Translation:

There are four types of Digestive fires (Agni)

1. Vishama Agni – Influenced by Vata. A person with Vishama Agni will sometimes have high appetite, and sometimes, low appetite.

2. Teekshna Agni – Influenced by Pitta. A person with Teeksna Agni will have high digestion power and appetite.

3. Manda Agni – Influenced by Kapha. A person with Manda Agni will have low digestion power and appetite.

4. Sama Agni – Influenced by perfect balance of Tridosha – Where person will have proper appetite and digestion power. Digestion occurs at appropriate time.

#8. Qualities Of Vata Dosha

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

तत्र रुक्षो लघु: शीत: खर: सूक्ष्मश्चलोनिल:

Ayurveda Quotes 08

English Translation:

Rooksha – dryness, Laghu – Lightness, Sheeta – coldness, Khara – roughness, Sookshma – minuteness, Chala – movement These are the qualities of Vata.

#9. Qualities Of Pitta Dosha

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

पित्तम् सस्नेह तिक्ष्नोष्णं लघु विस्रं सरं द्रवम्

Ayurveda Quotes 09

English Translation:

Sasneha – slightly oily, unctuous,

Teekshna – piercing, entering into deep tissues,

Ushna -hotness,

Laghu – lightness,

Visram – bad smell,

Sara – having fluidity, movement,

Drava – liquidity are the qualities of Pitta.

#10. Qualities of Kapha Dosha

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

स्निग्ध: शीतो गुरुर्मन्द: श्लक्ष्णो मृत्स्न: स्थिर: कफ:

Ayurveda Quotes 10

English Translation:

Snigdhna – oily, unctuous,

Sheeta – cold,

Guru – heavy,

Manda – mild, viscous,

Shlakshna – smooth, clear,

Mrutsna – slimy, jely,

Sthira – stability, immobility are the qualities of Kapha.

#11. Cause For Health And Disease

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

कलार्थकर्मणां योगो हिनमिथ्यातिमात्रक:

सम्यग्योगश्च विज्ञेयो रोगरोग्यैक कारणम्

Ayurveda Quotes 11

English Translation:

There are three causative factors responsible for the production of all most all diseases pertaining to the body and mind.

• Insufficient utilisiation (hinayoga),

• Wrong utilisation (mithyayoga) and

• Excessive utilisation (atiyoga)

of time (kala), objects of the sense organs (indriyarthas) and the activities of the body, mind and speech (karma).

Where as the proper utilisation (samyak yoga) of the above factors results in healthy state.

#12. Qualities Of A Doctor

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

दक्ष: तीर्थात्तशास्त्रार्थोदृष्टकर्मशुचिर्भिषक

Ayurveda Quotes 12

English Translation:

Daksha – Alert, disciplined

Shastra – Having detailed knowledge about diseases and treatment.

Drushtakarma – Having practical experience

Shuchi – Cleanliness

#13. Qualities Of Medicine

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

बहुकल्पं बहुगुणं संपन्नं योग्यमौषधं

Ayurveda Quotes 13

English Translation:

Bahukalpa – Ability to formulate in different dosage forms, like decoction, powder, herbal oil etc

Bahuguna – Having enormous and multiple qualities

Sampanna – Endowed with virtues

Yogya – suitable and appropriate for specific diseases.

#14. Qualities Of A Nurse

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

अनुरक्त: शुचिर्दक्षो बुद्धिमान् परिचारकः

Ayurveda Quotes 14

English Translation:

Anurakta – Compassion towards patients

Shuchi – Cleanliness

Daksha – Alert, active

Buddhiman – Intelligence

#15. Qualities Of A Patient

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

आढ्यो रोगी भिषग्वश्यो ज्ञापक: सत्त्वानपि

Ayurveda Quotes 15

English Translation:

Adya – Having good finances

Bhishagvashya – 100 % obedience towards doctor

Jnapaka – Good memory

Satvavaan – Having good strength to tolerate disease and treatment.

#16. Prataruthana (Waking up in the morning)

ब्राहमे मुहूर्त उत्तिष्ठेत्स्वस्थो रक्षार्थमायुष:

Ayurveda Quotes 16

English Translation:

Healthy person should get up from bed at Brahmi Muhurtha. That is, before dawn, or around 45 minutes before Sun rise. Last three hours of the night – from 3 am to 6 am – is called brahma muhurta.

#17. A Perfect Physician

तस्माच्छस्त्रोसर्थेविज्ञाने प्रव्रत्तौ कर्म दर्शने

भिषक् चतुष्टये युक्त: प्राणाभिसर उअय्ते

Ayurveda Quotes 17

English Translation:

The physician who posses the four fold accomplishments consisting of theoretical knowledge, clear interpretation, right application and practical experience is to be regarded as the reclaimer of life.

#18. Nadi Prediction

Source: Yoga Ratnakar

वातं पित्तं कफं द्वन्द्वं त्रितयं सान्निपतिक्म्

साध्यासध्यविवेकं च सर्व नाडी प्रकाशयेत

Ayurveda Quotes - Nadi Prediction

English Translation:

Pulse denotes vata-pitta-kapha, their dual and triple disorders, as  well as expresses prognosis of diseases.


#19. Ushnajala: Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

दीपनं पाचनं कण्ठ्य लघूष्णं बस्तिशोधनम

हिध्माध्मानानिलश्लेष्मसद्य: शुद्धिनवज्वरे


Ayurveda Quotes - Benefits of drinking hot water

English Translation:

Benefits of drinking hot water:

Deepana – stimulates hunger,

Pachana – helps digestion,

Kantya – good for the throat,

Laghu – easily digestable,

Basti shodhana – cleanses the urinary bladder,

It Relieves:

Hidhma – relives hiccup,

Adhmana – flatulence,

Anila – aggravation of Vata

Shleshma – aggravation of Kapha

It is ideal on the days of Panchakarma therapy

Navajvara – fever of recent origin

Kasa – cold, cough

Ama – accumulation of undigested materials,

Peenasa – rhinitis (running nose),

Shwasa – dyspnoea and

Parshvaruja – pain in the flanks.

#20. Effect Of Tastes On Tridosha

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

तत्रादया मारुतं घ्नन्ति त्रय: तिक्तदय: कफम्

कषाय तिक्त मधुरा: पित्तमन्यते तु कुर्वते

Ayurveda Quotes - Tastes For Vata Pitta Kapha

English Translation:

In the list of tastes, the first three, i.e. Sweet, sour and salt mitigates Vata and increases Kapha.

The last three, i.e. bitter, pungent and astringent tastes mitigates Kapha and increases Vata

Astringent, bitter and sweet taste mitigates Pitta. Sour, salt and pungent tastes increase Pitta.

#21. Abhyanga – oil massage & its benefits

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

अभ्यङ्गं आचरेत नित्यं, सजराश्रमवातह

दृष्टि प्रसाद पुष्टि आयु: सुस्वप्न सुत्वक् दार्ढ्यक़ृत्

शिर: श्रवणपादेषु तं विशेषन शीलयेत

वर्ज्योअभ्यंग: कफग्रस्थकृतसंशुद्धिअजिर्णिभि

Ayurveda Quotes - Abhyanga Oil Massage

English Translation:

Abhyanga means massage. It should be done daily, morning. It delays ageing, relieves tiredness and excess of Vata (aches and pains). It improves vision, nourishes body tissues, prolongs age, induces good sleep and improves skin tone and complexion. Massage should be specially done on ears, head and legs.

Massage should be avoided when there is increase of Kapha in the body, soon after Shodhana (Panchakarma procedure) and during indigestion.

#22. Sad Vritta: Healthy Conduct

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

जीर्णे हितं मितं चाद्यात न वेगानीरयेत बलात

न वेगितो अन्यकार्य: स्यात न अजित्वा साध्यं आमयम

Ayurveda Quotes - Healthy Conduct

English Translation:

Jeerne hitam mitam chaadyat – One should always eat, only after digestion of previous food, in limited quantity.

Na vegan neerayet – one should not induce natural urges forcefully. Example: urinating, when there is no urge to pass urine.

Na Vegito anya kaaryaha – one should immediately attend to natural urges, whenever they come, without being busy in other activities.

One should undergo treatment to diseases as soon as possible.

#23. Path Of Righteousness

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

सुखार्था: सर्वभूतानां मता: सर्वाः प्रवृत्तय:

सुखं च न विना धर्मात तस्मात धर्मपरो भवेत

भक्त्त्या कल्याणमित्राणि सेवेत्तेतरदूरग:

Ayurveda Quotes - Path Of Righteousness

English Translation:

All the creatures are behind happiness. There is no happiness, without righteousness. Hence all should follow the path of righteousness.

Friends should be served with affection and good deeds, whereas the others (wicked) should be kept at a distance.

#24. Help To The Weak

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

अवृत्तिव्याधिशोकार्ताननुवर्तेत शक्तित:

Ayurveda Quotes - Help To The Weak

English Translation:

Those who have no means of livelihood, who are suffering from diseases and who are afflicted with grief should be helped.

#25. Equal Treatment To All

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

आत्मवत्सततं पशय्दपि कीटपिपीलिकम् अर्च्येद्दवगोविप्रवृद्धवैध्यनृपातिथीन्

Ayurveda Quotes - Equal Treatment To All

English Translation:

Even the insects and ants should be seen with respect, similar to a physician, king and guests.

#26. Engage In Dharma

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

त्रिवर्गशून्यं नारम्भं भजेत्तं चविरोधयन्

Ayurveda Quotes - Engage In Dharma

English Translation:

Do not engage yourself in things that are devoid of three pursuits Dharma (righteousness), arha (wealth) and kama (pleasure). One should carry on the occupation without going contrary to dharma and karma.

#27. Trayopastambha: Three Pillars Of Life

Source: Ashtanga Hridayam

आहारशयनाब्रह्मचर्येर्युक्त्या प्रायोजितै:

शरीरं धार्यते नित्यमागारमिव धारणै:

Ayurveda Quotes - Three Pillar Of Life

English Translation:

Ahara – food, Shayana – Sleep and Abrahmacharya (non-celibecy): properly indulged, support the body constantly just like the house is supported by the pillars.


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