A few years ago hair fall and greying of hair were considered as age-related problems. However, today with the rising stress levels coupled with poor food habits and lack of exercise has resulted in a wider prevalence of this issue. Overuse of chemicals on the hair is also one of the major reasons behind the poor quality of hair.
So what is the solution to this problem? How to get your strong and healthy hair back? The answer is quite simple and it is a regular practice of particular yoga asanas. Yoga is one such practice which keeps each and every part of your body healthy be it your internal organs or your external organs and even your hair and nails. Practising the following seven asanas can provide desired results in no time.
1. Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand
Sarvangasana is known as the queen of all asanas. It comes with amazing benefits for the hair as it enhances blood circulation to the head and also provides relief from stress and anxiety.
How to do?
Step 1: Lie straight on your back with palms facing down.
Step 2: Keeping the hands firm on the ground, push the lower region of your body up by twisting your back. Hold the back with your hands keeping the elbows on the ground.
Step 3: Try to straighten the body, resting the weight on your neck and elbows.
Step 4: To come back to the resting position, gently turn your legs and lower your knees towards the forehead. Slowly bring back the hands to the initial position and then bring the legs back to the ground.
Other Benefits Of Sarvangasana
- The asana increases blood flow to the thyroid and parathyroid glands and indirectly helps in maintaining the hormonal balance of the body.
- The position of Sarvangasana is such that it enhances the flow of fresh blood towards the heart and helps in fighting cardiovascular disorders.
- The asana is quite beneficial for the abdominal organs too. It improves bowel movement and provides relief from problems like chronic constipation and pains due to gas.
- It helps in triggering the throat chakra which is called Vishuddha.
- Women must not practise this asana during pregnancy and when menstruating.
- It should be avoided when affected with conditions like neck injuries, slip disc, high blood pressure, cervical spondylitis and an injured spine.
2. Shirshasana or Headstand
Shirshasana works just like Sarvangasana as it too directs blood circulation towards the head and provides more oxygenated blood to the brain and scalp region. It is known as the king of all asanas.
How to do?
Step 1: Lock the fingers of both the palms and making a triangle with the forearms, keep them on the ground.
Step 2: Place your head in between the lock while the rest of the body should be making the mountain pose.
Step 3: Slowly bring your legs closer to the head by walking towards it. Try distributing weight equally to both your arms.
Step 4: Now slowly lift your legs up and straighten your back. As a beginner one can practice it by taking the support of the wall.
Step 5: To come back, fold your legs by bending the knees. Then bend your hips and put the feet back down to the ground.
Other Benefits Of Shirshasana
- Shirshasana increases the blood flow to the brain manifold and thereby gives benefits like stimulating the pineal and pituitary gland, boosting memory and providing relief from stress, anxiety and insomnia.
- The asana is especially beneficial for kids as it helps in building concentration.
- Shirshasana is recommended for patients suffering from diabetes due to its ability to stimulate the pituitary gland.
- Shirshasana must not be practised if affected by following conditions: high blood pressure, injured neck or back and migraine.
- As a beginner, always do this asana with the help of a yoga practitioner to avoid getting injured.
- When in the pose, do not twist and turn the body as this might cause a fatal sprain.
3. Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward facing dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana is also sometimes referred to as Parvatasana and is practised while doing Surya Namaskar. This asana helps in relieving stress by improving blood circulation and relaxing the muscles of the whole body. Stress is one of the major reasons behind most of the hair issues and this asana frees you from the pressures we feel on a day to day basis.
How to do?
Step 1: Come on all fours with hands and knees resting on the ground.
Step 2: Slowly lift your body, pushing the hips up in the air and create an inverted V position.
Step 3: Try pushing your chest back and touching your feet on the ground, as much as you can while putting more weight on your legs than your hands.
Step 4: To come back, put back your knees to the ground and come to a sitting position.
Other Benefits Of Adho Mukha Svanasana
- The asana helps in better circulation of oxygenated blood throughout the body thus keeping common cold and flu at bay.
- Better blood circulation also means a naturally glowing skin.
- It strengthens the body, especially the muscles of legs, arms and back.
- The asana also provides flexibility to the stiff hamstrings.
- Avoid practising the pose with an injured wrist, ankle or back.
- Stretch only as much as possible to prevent a sprained shoulder.
- Always try to keep the right alignment.
- Do not put too much weight on your hands but try distributing it to the legs as well.
4. Vajrasana or Diamond Pose
Vajrasana is known for its ability to enhance digestion and better digestion means better absorption of nutrients and reduction in other problems related to a poor digestive activity like headaches and nausea. Thereby this turns out to be beneficial for the hair too as more nutrition is available for them.
How to do?
Step 1: On the floor or any other flat surface, kneel down.
Step 2: The knees and big toes should be joined while the heels remain separated.
Step 3: Place your hips in the space between the heels and keep your palms on your thighs.
Step 4: Keep your spine straight and sit as long as you can.
This asana is often used for doing meditation, however, one can sit in this position while doing normal works too.
Other Benefits Of Vajrasana
- According to a 2009 study, Vajrasana helps improve concentration.
- The asana aids in better digestion. Sitting in Vajrasana for around half an hour after a meal enhances the digestion process. It even helps in other problems related to the abdomen like peptic ulcers and acidity.
- It helps in strengthening the muscles of pelvic and thigh area by improving blood flow.
- Do not practice this asana if you are suffering from a serious knee injury or joint pain.
- While sitting in Vajrasana, do not arch your spine but keep your back straight.
5. Uttanpadasana or Raised Leg Pose
The asana involves raising of legs and directs blood towards the head. People who are unable to practice typical asanas like Sarvangasana and Shirshasana can do Uttanpadasana, even with the help of a wall. The asana helps in nourishing the hair follicles making hair stronger and healthier.
How to do?
Step 1: Lie down on a flat surface with your palms resting on the ground.
Step 2: While inhaling, slowly lift your legs up to 30, 45, 60 or 90 degrees.
Step 3: Hold the legs at the position where you have raised them. Remember to keep the legs straight and do not bend your knees.
Step 4: Slowly bring the legs back to the ground in the resting position while exhaling.
Other Benefits Of Uttanpadasana
- Uttanapadasana puts pressure on the abdominal area and helps flatten the stomach. It also strengthens the abdominal muscles and helps fighting problems related to poor digestion.
- The asana is recommended when suffering from naval displacement.
- Practising the asana regularly helps in strengthening the back muscles and provides relief from chronic backaches.
- The asana is good for people suffering from diabetes.
- Avoid this asana if suffering from abdominal pain or injury.
- Women must refrain from practising during pregnancy or while menstruating.
- It is also not advisable to practise this asana if suffering from high blood pressure or slip disc.
6. Balayam Yoga
Balayam is a combination of two words – ‘bal’ and ‘Vyayama’ which means exercise for hair. Made famous by Swami Ramdev, Balayam is actually an acupressure therapy. It is helpful in many problems related to scalp and hair like dandruff, greying of hair, alopecia and too much hair fall. Practising Balayam Yoga regularly makes hair strong and healthy and also helps in repairing damaged hair.
How to do?
It is not a complex asana and doesn’t involve any specific routine like an empty stomach. All you need to do is rub your nails together. You can do it at any time of the day. However, as we know excess of all is bad; perform Balayam yoga only twice or thrice a day for about 10 minutes per session.
There are no side effects of Balayam yoga, however, a few precautions must be taken.
- If you are a female, do not rub the nails of your thumb as this might lead to the growth of moustache and beard.
- Always rub the nails not superficially but by applying good pressure as the aim is to stimulate the underlying nerves. Rubbing superficially will not produce any significant effects.
- Do not rub the fingers instead of nails as this won’t provide any results.
- Rubbing nails of one hand with the surface of the other hand (without moving it) can lead to the growth of ear hair.
- Do not perform during pregnancy and periods.
7. Shashankasana or Rabbit Pose
Shashankasana is also known as moon pose as it induces calmness and tranquillity. The pose is mostly practised as a resting position. The asana works like a miracle in providing relief from stress and elevates the mood. This, in turn, proves to be beneficial for the hair which is severely affected by the buildup of negative emotions like anger and tension.
How to do?
Step 1: Start the asana by sitting comfortably in Vajarasana with hands on your thighs.
Step 2: Slowly while inhaling deeply, stretch your arms high up.
Step 3: While exhaling start bending forward and rest your arms and forehead on the floor.
Step 4: The position which is also used as a relaxing pose should be maintained for a few minutes before coming back to the original position.
Other Benefits Of Shashankasana
- The asana if quite beneficial for stimulating the thyroid gland.
- It stretched the spine and improves neural functioning. It also strengthens the back muscles and helps in removing excess fat.
- If you’re suffering from insomnia, you can practice it before sleeping.
- It improves blood circulation, directs it towards the face and helps in getting a supple and fresh-looking skin.
- Do not practice the asana if suffering from vertigo, high blood pressure or spondylitis.
- The asana is not recommended for pregnant women.
- Refrain from practising the asana in case of any neck, shoulder or back injury.
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