Mahabeera seeds or Talmakhana seeds are the seeds extracted from the plant of Hyptis Suaveolens which is also referred to as Vilati tulsi, Jungli tulsi, pignut, bushmint, chan or American mint. Seeds are found in abundance on every single plant of Jungli Tulsi and they are helpful for excessive pollination and growth in the surrounding areas, mainly wastelands, river banks and forest areas. These are very easily confused with Chia seeds and Sabza seeds which are seeds of Holy Tulsi or Ocimum tenuiflorum or sanctum which look almost the same.
Both of these are super foods and help in a variety of health conditions but these are two different seeds from different varieties of plants. It is interesting that scientifically these are not even related to same family of plants even though they all are called Tulsi in Ayurveda. In this article we explore the benefits and side-effects of Mahabeera/ Talmakhana seeds.
Alternate Names
- Mahabeera seeds
- Beera Ginjalu
- Vana tulsi
- Pignut seeds
- Vilati Tulsi seeds
- Talmakan seeds
- Chan seeds
About Mahabeera Seeds Plant
Vilati tulsi, from which Mahabeera seeds are isolated, is abundantly distributed in India, Tropical America. The plant needs area of good exposure to sun and grows to a height of 2.5 meters or less. Nutritionally it is rich in Iron, magnesium, calcium, Vit B1, B2 and antioxidants. Plant is aromatic and with tiny bluish flowers on dense spikes. Seeds are almost triangular looking and blackish in color.
Seeds of Mahabeera are blackish in color and bigger which makes it easy to distinguish from Chia seeds and Sabza seeds. The seeds are to be taken orally after being soaked overnight in water for immense benefits. They absorb water and swell to form a gel-like translucent coating which is difficult to separate and should be consumed as such without any tempering. It is almost tasteless after swelling in water, sometimes even about 30 times its size. If you don’t like the feel or look of it, simply add it to some of your favourite juice or salad recipes for easy intake.
Benefits And Uses Of Chan seeds / Mahabeera Seeds
Nutritional Supplementation
Chan seeds have been found to contain a healthy balance of most of the essential amino acids except for lysine and so it can be a great tool in naturally supplementing nutrition to all age groups. Also a higher Magnesium content was found compared to regular grains like oat, rice, wheat and barley. Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids content make it a great vegan substitute of healthy fatty acids.
Anti Oxidant
Rich anti-oxidant profile of Mahabeera seeds delays ageing and imparts youthfulness if taken regularly.
Gut Health
- Mucilage formed around seeds of Chan or Mahabeera seeds is soothing to mucous membranes of stomach and intestines.
- It is still used for diarrhoea, IBS and colon cleansing when used as a drink. One may even add lemon and honey for added flavour.
Hydration Benefits
Since seeds absorb a lot of water to create thick sticky mucilage in its surrounding, it helps to retain moisture in the digestive tract and body for longer durations, just like a cactus plant. This is very beneficial as a coolant to beat the scorching heat of summers. Also dehydrated individuals can be treated with the consumption of Chan seeds.
Respiratory Health
Thanks to its beneficial anti-oxidant levels, intake of Beera Ginjalu seeds help to fight pollution dependent respiratory problems like asthma. It eliminates endo-toxins to maintain a good respiratory health. 3-6 grams of seeds must be soaked at night and taken in morning in any way, either plain or by adding to any juice or salads.
Knee Pains
Knee pains which are related to increased blood uric acid and formation of urate crystals in joints like Gout are benefitted by intake of Mahabeera seeds. Plus inflammatory component of knee pain is also dealt with while using these seeds.
Gouty Arthritis
Since all arthritis of joints (not just knee) are associated with inflammation, they are benefitted with Jungali tulsi seeds.
Skin Infections And Allergies
Due to the presence of high levels of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory agents in Mahabeera seeds and plant of Jungli tulsi, they are helpful in treating skin infections and allergies like eczema. Seeds oil has a scope to be used in treatment of the said skin conditions.
Weight Loss
The seeds are rich in fibre content which make it an ideal aid for weight loss.
- High fibre content keeps us feeling fuller and help in avoiding intake of more food and calories.
- Soluble fibres present in seeds have a capability to absorb a lot of water which leads to an excellent feeling of satiety thus helping in lessening of food intake.
- Bloating and constipation issues related to obesity are also benefitted. Seeds consumed after soaking in water help to relieve chronic constipation issues too.
Pest Control
The seeds of Hyptis Suaveolens have a protease inhibitor that acts against intestinal trypsin-like proteases of pests (insects) and kills them as seen in a study on Prostephanus truncatus. Hence seeds show a scope for production of biological insecticides in future.
Antibacterial And Antifungal
Oil extracted from the seeds of Mahabeera has been shown to exhibit potent antibacterial and antifungal properties. So far it is found effective against E.Coli, Salmonella Typhi, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Candida Tropicalis and Lactobacillus Plantarum. As per recent scholarly studies, oil of seeds from Hyptis Suaveolens or Mahabeera seed oil show potent activity against gram negative bacteria which has a potential of developing natural antibiotic in future.
Male Reproductive System
Seeds of Mahabeera are great for Male reproductive health. They help to increase sperm count in cases of male infertility. Also it is useful in cases of spermatorrhoea meaning involuntary loss of semen or night-fall. When seeds of Mahabeera are soaked in water overnight and taken next morning with a glass of milk, they help to treat these male-related problems.
Wound Healing
Jungli tulsi is found rich in Triterpenoids and Flavonoids as we have discussed before too. These help to heal wound at a faster rate. Thus seeds of Mahabeera are soaked in water first and then the mucilage is applied on wounds since olden times. It is said to allow pus to flow out in case of abscesses. Plus anti-inflammatory and analgesic nature of tulsi seeds also helps in faster healing.
They boost immunity with the help of anti-oxidants.
Muscle Relaxant
High levels of Magnesium in seeds help to relax muscles and relieve muscular pains.
Preservation Of Hyptis Suaveolens Seeds
Preservation is very easy and Hassel-free. Mahabeera seeds don’t require a lot of effort and can be preserved easily for long durations in air-tight environments/ containers.
For how many days it should be used for knee pain. Does it cause liver changes. Because I have been using it from three months, my SGOTand SBPT levels showing little above normal limts. But there is lot of realf fro.m knee pain. Please let me know of any cosiqueces in long use
For how many days these mahabeera seeds can be used without side effects
How many days these mahabeera seeds can be used with out side effects,because my mother suffering joint pains from5 years .