A kidney stone can be one of the most painful experiences of life for anyone suffering from it or it can give no discomfort at all. To clearly understand what I am talking about, we must first look at what a kidney stone is? After we find that out, we can discuss the top asanas in yoga for kidney stones.
What is Kidney Stone?
A kidney stone is a built-up of minerals and salts that are present in the kidney, more commonly calcium stones: calcium oxalate and calcium phosphates and uric acid stones. There are other stones also like Magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) and cystine stones but they are very uncommonly found in people.
Pain develops when a large stone travels from the kidney to the bladder through the ureter. If the stone formation is small, it can pass through the ureter with no problem without any pain but it is large enough, its sharp edges scrape the walls of the ureter causing pain. It can also be big enough to block the urine flow, causing inflammation, pain, infection and swelling of kidneys which is also called hydronephrosis.
Since this article is about yoga for kidney stones, let’s learn more in detail about the yoga asanas. If you want to know more about kidney stones, you can watch this excellent video explaining this problem in a detailed and interesting way.
So here are some of the top yoga poses every person with kidney stones should try on a regular basis. You can also do these if you have any other kidney-related diseases like Glomerulonephritis, Polycystic kidney disease etc.
Yoga For Kidney Stones And Overall Kidney Health – Top 10 Poses
1. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist)
Ardha Matsyendrasana or the half spinal twist is named after the famous Yogi Matsyendranath. Its name derived from Sanskrit words Ardha (half), Matsya (fish), Indra (king or lord) and it is one of the best twisting poses in yoga and is considered great for kidneys and other lower abdominal organs. It is a modified version of Matsyendrasana, which is more difficult to perform the asana.
Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana:
- Especially very helpful in improving the functioning of kidneys, liver and other lower abdominal organs.
- Opens up the chest so that more oxygen flows into the lungs.
- Excellent for the spinal health. Improves the flexibility of the spine and relieves the stiffness of the back and vertebrae.
- Regulates the release of digestive juices and improves digestion. Is helpful for digestive disorders.
- Improves the health of digestive organs.
- Relives pain and stiffness and back and hips.
- Stimulates the Manipura Chakra (Navel Chakra) and is helpful in reaching higher states of meditation.
- Stretches the back muscles. Improves shoulder strength and relieves tension in the upper body.
- Useful in menstrual disorders.
- Helpful in Diabetes as it massages the pancreas to increase insulin production.
- Useful in curing urinary tract disorders.
Precautions and Contradictions:
- Should not be practised during pregnancy and menstruation.
- Avoid is you have a spinal injury.
- Avoid if you have a peptic ulcer, hernia or spinal, heart, abdominal, vertebral surgery.
How To Perform Ardha Matsyendrasana?
Check out this video for details
2. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
Setu bandhasana gets its name from the Sanskrit words setu (bridge) and banda (lock). In this pose, the torso is positioned in the form of a bridge. It is considered a great pose as it stretches and massages the abdominal organs. It relieves the symptoms of any pain occurring in the abdominal area.
Benefits of Setu Bandha Sarvangasana:
- Stretches, massages and stimulates the abdominal organs especially the bladder, liver and kidneys.
- Useful for controlling high blood pressure.
- Strengthens the back and shoulders muscles.
- Also beneficial for relieving symptoms of menstruation and menopausal problems.
- Opens up the lungs for fresh oxygen. Therapeutic in asthma bronchitis and sinusitis.
- Stretches the neck muscles and spine.
- Reduces anxiety and stress, gives a calm and serene feeling.
- Also helpful for controlling hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism as it stimulates the thyroid gland.
Precautions and Contradictions:
- Do not perform this asana if you have cervical or neck injury.
- Do not perform this asana if you have back or spinal injury.
- Don’t practice this in knee pain.
How To Perform Setu Bandha Sarvangasana?
Check out this video for details
3. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
Ustrasana gets its name from the Sanskrit word ustra which means a camel. This is a basic to intermediate level back-bending asana. Practising this asana is especially helpful for people who suffer from any sort of kidney or reproductive system-related diseases.
Benefits of Ustrasana:
- Opens up the heart chakra.
- Improves the strength and flexibility of the spine and the back.
- Strengthens and tones the shoulders, neck and back muscles. Also great for the thighs, hips and groin. It is one of the primary poses you should be adding to your routine if you suffer from back pain issues.
- Due to its massaging action for the abdominal organs, it also helps in improving the digestion. Great for people suffering from dyspepsia (indigestion).
- Improves the pain related to PMS and other menstrual disorders.
- Beneficial in ulcerative colitis and constipation.
Precautions and Contradictions:
- Do not perform this asana if you suffer from low or high blood pressure issues.
- Avoid practising this asana, if you suffer from insomnia or migraine.
How To Perform Ustrasana?
Check out this video for details
4. Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose / Bound Angle Pose)
Baddha konasana or the butterfly is a relaxing pose, especially for the groin and hip. This pose is highly popular as you may have heard Baba Ramdev and all the yoga gurus talking about it. The reason being that it is one of the best asanas to open up your hip area and is helpful for women during and before pregnancy as it makes the delivery easier and less painful. Because of its stretching action, it is also great for toning the abdominal organs hence is great for liver and kidney as well.
Benefits of Baddha Konasana
- Opens up the sacral chakra.
- Stretches and stimulates the abdominal organs like liver, kidney, ovaries, prostate gland and the bladder. Prevents urinary tract infections and other kidney-related problems.
- Stretches and tones the inner thighs and hips and lower back. Helps in reducing fat and increases the flexibility of the thighs and hips.
- Relieves the symptoms of menopause, PMS and menstruation. Helpful in PCOS as it is helpful in balancing hormones.
- Reduces stress, anxiety, fatigue and symptoms of depression.
- Great for flat foot, infertility and high blood pressure.
Precautions and Contradictions:
- Do not perform if you have knee or ankle injuries.
- Do not perform if you have sciatica or disc problems or lower back issues.
- If you have a pain in your tailbone, avoid this asana.
How To Perform Baddha Konasana?
Check out this video for details
5. Urdva Dhanurasana / Chakrasana (Upward Bow / Wheel Pose)
Urdhva Dhanurasana also known as chakrasana is one of the best poses for back issues. If you are one of those who sit at a desk all day, this pose will help you relieve your back issues. It is also an important asana from the point of view of kidneys and liver. Regular practice of chakrasana increases the blood flow and stretches the kidney and liver making it less prone to diseases.
Benefits Of Urdva Dhanurasana:
- Stretches the abdominal organs and strengthens the kidney, liver, bladder and pancreas.
- Increases the flexibility of the spine.
- Great for the heart.
- Stimulates the thyroid and pituitary glands.
- Increases energy in the body.
- Improves upper and lower back strength and flexibility
- Improves the strength of arms, legs, shoulders, wrists, hips, glutes, and hamstrings.
- Opens up the lungs and chest. Great for asthma and other respiratory diseases. Increases blood flow in the chest.
- Great for relieving mild depression, infertility and osteoporosis.
Precautions and Contradictions:
- Do not perform if you have a spinal or back injury.
- Avoid practising in case suffering from high or low blood pressure, heart problems, diarrhoea, hernia, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraine and headache.
How To Perform Urdhva Dhanurasana
Check out this video for details
6. Parivrtta Paschimottasana Nine (Revolved Seated Forward Bend Pose)
Parivrtta Paschimottasana Nine is a variation of Paschimottasana described in the Iyengar yoga method. It is specifically very therapeutic and healing for kidney disorders. The traditional paschimottasana is a seated forward bending pose while in Parivrtta Paschimottanasana Nine, the practitioner has to twist the trunk to one side of the body. Parivrtta word in Sanskrit means “turned around”.
Benefits Of Parivrtta Paschimottasana Nine:
- Tones and stimulates the kidneys, liver, spleen and adrenal glands.
- Rejuvenates the entire spine by increasing blood circulation.
- Relieves backache.
- Improves digestion.
- Cures impotency, promotes sexual control.
- More oxygen enters the blood due to the extra stretch in the pelvic region. This increases vitality.
- Massages the heart.
- Calms the mind making it feel refreshed and rested.
- Stretches the hamstrings, making it stronger.
- Helpful in case of sexual disorders, menopause and menstrual disorders.
Precautions and Contradictions:
- Do not perform in case of a spinal and back injury.
- Do not perform in case of slipped disc, sciatica, diarrhea, abdominal ulcer, asthma, hernia and spondylitis.
- Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana.
How To Perform Parivrtta Paschimottasana Nine?
7. Pawanmukt Asana (Wind Releasing Pose)
Pawanmukt asana is one of the most famous poses in the yoga community as it is great for relieving gas and bloating in the stomach and can be commonly used at any time without much preparation. The Sanskrit words ‘Pawan’ means wind, and ‘Mukta’ means release. It is a great pose for relieving kidney stones.
Benefits Of Pawanmukt Asana:
- Massages the internal organs around the stomach. It is great for toning and stimulating the kidneys helping to relieve kidney stones.
- Eliminates harmful gases and toxins built up in the abdominal area.
- Increases blood circulation and stimulates the nerves in the stomach.
- Regular practice relieves constipation and uneasiness in stomach.
- Increases spine, back and leg flexibility.
- Great for relieving menstrual problems like PMS and pain during menstruation.
- Massages the reproductive organs and improves functionality. Helpful in case of impotence.
Precautions and Contradictions:
- Do not perform in case of back or spinal problems like sciatica or slipped disc.
- Do not perform in case of neck injury or pain.
- Avoid in case of pregnancy, during menstruation, high blood pressure, heart problems, hernia and piles.
How To Perform Pawanmuktasana?
Check out this video for details
8. Naukasana / Paripurna Navasana (Boat Pose)
‘Nauka’ is a Sanskrit word which means boat. In Naukasana, the body is shaped resembling a boat where the whole body weight rests on the pelvic floor. It is a great asana for the abdominal organs as regular practice tones them and increases blood circulation.
Benefits Of Naukasana:
- Strengthens and tones the kidneys and improves kidney function. Regular practice helps cure kidney problems of all kinds.
- Great for improving the function of the intestines.
- Helps in healthy weight loss. Reduces fat around the waist making it more slender.
- Increases blood circulation in the body.
- Increases back strength and bring vigour to the back.
- Strengthens the legs, glutes, abdominal muscles, arms and back.
- Improves digestion. Stimulates peristaltic movement of the intestine.
- Helpful in case of diabetes as it stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin and other pancreatic juices.
Precautions and Contradictions:
- Do not perform in case of back or spinal problems like sciatica or slipped disc.
- Do not perform in case of hernia, high blood pressure, migraine and headache, heart problems, insomnia.
- Do not perform in case of neck injury and hip joint pain.
- Not recommended during pregnancy, menstruation or respiratory problems like asthma.
How To Perform Naukasana?
Check out this video for details
9. Uttanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
Uttanasana or the standing forward bend pose is part of the 12 yogasanas in the Surya Namaskar series. It is a relaxing and soothing pose and it is great for the abdominal organs, back and the mind. It is especially great for improving digestive power.
Benefits of Uttanasana:
- Stimulates the kidneys and liver and improve their function.
- Eliminates stress, anxiety and mild depression as it sends oxygenated blood to the head. Creates a calming effect.
- Strengthens and stretches thighs, hamstrings, knees, hips.
- Increases the flexibility of the hip and knee joint.
- Great for relieving symptoms of insomnia and stress-related headache.
- Regular practice is helpful in case of high blood pressure, asthma, osteoporosis and sinusitis.
Precautions and Contradictions:
- Do not perform in case of back or spinal problems like sciatica or slipped disc.
- Do not perform in case of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis of the knees.
- Do not perform if you are suffering from low blood pressure, diarrhoea.
How To Perform Uttanasana?
Check out this video for details
10. Janu Sirsasana (Head-To-Knee Pose)
Janu Sirasana gets its name from Sanskrit words ‘janu’ and ‘Sirsa’ which mean knee and head simultaneously. This pose, the whole body is bent towards one side in a way that the head touches the knee entirely. You will find the description of many variations of this asana in the Iyengar yoga method. It is described as one of the best asanas for kidney problems.
Benefits Of Janu Sirsasana:
- Abdominal organs are contracted and become free from sluggishness.
- Stimulates liver, kidney and spleen thereby aid digestion.
- Tones and activates the kidneys
- Increases blood flow to the spine, thereby strengthening the nerves and the spinal cord.
- Regular and long duration practice of this asana cures prostate enlargement.
- Aids in reducing menstrual and menopausal problems.
- Practising in the first and second trimester of pregnancy helps develop back muscle strength.
- The back, hamstrings, thighs and hips become more flexible.
- Relieves stress and anxiety.
Precautions and Contradictions:
- Do not perform in case of back or spinal problems like slipped disc or herniation.
- Avoid in case of diarrhoea or asthma.
- Avoid overstretching in case of a knee injury.
- Avoid in the last trimester of pregnancy.
How To Perform Janu Sirsasana?
Check out this video for details
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