Medical Reviewer: Dr Surabhi Rawat
In our previous article, we discussed the reasons, precautions and some quick relief home remedies for acidity and gastritis. In this article, I would like to give top 7 yoga poses you can do to help reduce chronic acidity. Yoga is a form of exercise, which has solutions for almost all sort of ailments but the only condition is that you do it regularly. Regular practice of these asanas will help with chronic acidity.
1. Marjariasana (Cat Pose)
Marjariasna takes its name from the Sanskrit word Marjari, which means a cat. While practising this asana, the body imitates stretched out the body of a cat. It is generally performed in conjunction with Marjaryasana or Cow Pose. It is recommended to perform this pose on an empty stomach (at least 3 to 4 hours fasting) in morning or evening time.
Cat Pose has many health benefits, few are mentioned below
- It strengthens your back muscles.
- It improves spine flexibility and core strength.
- It strengthens the shoulders, arms, and wrists.
- It improves the body’s blood circulation.
- It is extremely beneficial for acidity and it massages the digestive organs the improves digestion. It ignites the digestive fire.
- It helps relieve stress and tension.
How to perform Majariasana
Check out this video for reference.
2. Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose Type 2)
Virabhadrasana II pronounced as veer-ah-bah-drahs-anna gets its name from the Sanskrit word ‘Vira’ which means a warrior or a courageous man hence it is also named as Warrior Pose in English. It is an excellent asana for strength building in the body and is also performed as part of a series of 12 asanas called the Suryanamaskar (or Sun Salutation). Apart from improving the digestive system and stimulating the digestive organs, there are many other benefits of Virabhadrasana Type II.
- The asana stretches and strengthens your back, legs, and ankles.
- It stretches and strengthens the chest, groin, and shoulders.
- It relieves back pain and improves posture.
- An excellent exercise for pregnant women in their first trimester. (Always consult a trained physician before practising during pregnancy ).
- Boosts stamina.
- Beneficial for sciatica pain, flat feet, osteoporosis, and carpal tunnel syndrome and infertility.
- Improves digestion and stimulates the digestive system.
How to practice Virabhadrasana II
There are three types of Virabhadrasanas being Type I, II and III. Check out this video for extra information on how to perform.
Note: If you are suffering from high blood pressure or heart disease, its best to avoid this asana.
3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Bhujangasana gets its name from Sanskrit word ‘Bhujang’ which means snake. It reflects the posture of a Cobra with its hood raised. It is considered the best asana to remove stress, anxiety and alleviate the mood. It is best to perform this asana with an empty stomach in the morning time.
Benefits of Bhujangasana
- Improves digestion. Stimulates all organs in the abdomen area like gallbladder, kidneys.
- Gives strength to the back muscles, shoulders, chest, and abdomen. Also strengthens the spine.
- Improves flexibility.
- Improves blood circulation and oxygen in body, heart and throughout the spinal and pelvic region especially.
- Decreases symptoms of asthma and clears the passage to the lungs and heart.
How to perform Bhujangasana
Check this video below for instructions:
4. Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
Shoulder Stand or Salamba Sarvangasana is also considered a semi-inversion pose. It is considered a bit difficult to master, so it is advised that it is done in the presence of a yoga instructor. Here are some of the benefits of practising a shoulder stand
- Increases the blood flow to the upper body, which helps in improving brain function. It alleviates depression and anxiety and makes the practitioner feel calmer and relaxed.
- Stretches the shoulder and neck muscles giving them strength and flexibility.
- Makes legs and abdominal muscles stronger and toned.
- Improves the digestive system and liver function.
- Stimulates the thyroid and prostate glands.
- Helps in reducing symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, and sinus.
How to perform Sarvangasana
Check out this video for details
5. Virasana (Hero’s Pose)
Virasana also is known as the Hero Pose is a sitting posture. It looks similar to Vajrasana but should not be confused as in Virasana, legs are folded and are wide apart while in Vajrasana, legs are folded but the ankles touch. Virasana increases the flexibility of your knees, ankles, feet, legs, and hips but should be done carefully in you are suffering from a knee injury as folding your knees can feel painful. It is recommended to take a well-cushioned yoga mat so you don’t hurt your knees but if you don’t want to buy a yoga mat, you can also take the support of a towel or blanket under your feet. Virasana is highly beneficial for digestive organs. It has many more benefits like the ones mentioned below:
- Improves blood circulation in legs, knees, thighs.
- Improves posture.
- Improves digestion and relieves gas.
- Stretches legs, knees, hips, and thighs.
- Improves posture.
- Reduces swelling around ankles in pregnancy.
- Removes tiredness in legs and ankles.
- Stimulates the digestive organs.
- Useful in asthma and high blood pressure.
How to perform Virasana
Check out this video for details
6. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist Pose)
Matsyendrasana is named after hatha yoga guru and a great yogi Matsyendranath. Matsyendranath was an enlightened yogi and it is said that he found enlightenment inside the belly of a “Matsya” or Fish which gave him his name. Ardha Matsyendrasana is said to be one of the Yogic poses he performed while he was meditating. It is a relatively difficult asana to perfect but can be done with regular practice.
Benefits of Ardha matsyendrasana:
- Excellent for the spinal health. Improves the flexibility of the spine and relieves the stiffness of the back and vertebrae.
- Regulates the release of digestive juices and improves digestion. Is helpful for digestive disorders.
- Improves the health of digestive organs.
- Relieves pain and stiffness and back and hips.
- Stimulates the Manipura Chakra (Navel Chakra) and is helpful in reaching higher states of meditation.
- Stretches the back muscles.
- Useful in menstrual disorders.
- Helpful in Diabetes.
- Useful in curing urinary tract disorders.
- Should not be practised during pregnancy and menstruation.
- Avoid if you have a spinal injury.
- Avoid if you have a peptic ulcer, hernia or spinal, heart, abdominal, vertebral surgery.
How to perform Ardha Matsyendrasana
Check out this video for details
7. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose)
Adho Mukha Svanasana gets its name from the Sanskrit words ‘Adho’ meaning Down, ‘Mukha’ meaning Face and ‘Svana’ meaning Dog. If you are following any sort of old-school yoga practices like Asthanga, Iyengar or Vinyasa, it is a very important asana and is practised in all practised. Regular practise of this pose gives the body strength and also helps in losing the extra pounds. Here are a few benefits of this pose:
- Helps maintain a healthy weight and helps in weight loss.
- Practising regularly will relieve stomach related issues like constipation, abdominal discomfort.
- Tones the body and muscles especially arms, shoulders, feet, stomach, and legs.
- Calms the mind and relieves mild depression and stress.
- It strengthens the bones, arms, and shoulders and lengthens the spine.
- It is also beneficial for high blood pressure, back pain, sciatica pain, asthma, lung disorders, and sinus.
How to perform Adho Mukha Svanasana
Check out this video for details
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I discovered yoga not so long ago, I really like changes in the body and soul, your article is very useful, I encountered a problem like gas in my stomach, a couple of times I have already seen changes, thanks