Horse Gram also known as Kulth or Muthira in Hindi or Kollu in Tamil, is a variety of pulse found all over India. It is also grown in some areas of Sri Lanka, Malaysia and the West Indies. The scientific name of horse gram is Macrotyloma Uniflorum. It is known as horse gram because, in older times, it was mainly used for feed horses and cattle. It is one of the lesser known and used pulses.
Horsegram is slowly starting to get recognition in the west. It has been declared “a good for future” by the US National Academy of Sciences. Though underutilized before, horsegram is getting popularity as there is an increase in health consciousness among people to eat healthy.
According to Ayurveda, it is considered to have medicinal properties and is hot in nature.
Horse Gram Nutrition
Horse gram or Muthira is rich in
- Iron
- Molybdenum
- Calcium. Contains the highest calcium content out of all other pulses.
- Proteins. It has a very high content of vegetarian protein.
- Carbohydrates. It contains slowly digestible carbohydrates which are good for weight loss and diabetes.
- Phosphorous
- Flavonoids
- Anti-oxidants
- Polyphenols
- Fibre
- Vitamin B
- Very low quantity of healthy fats
Ayurvedic References
According to Eishi Vagbhatt (In Ashtanga Hridayam), Horse gram or kulattha (Dolichos biflorus) is described as
उष्णाः कुलत्था: पाकेस्म्ला: शुक्राश्मश्श्रा सपीनसान् ॥
कासार्श: कफवातांश्र्च घ्नन्ति पित्तास्त्रदा: परम् ।
It is having kasaya rasa (Astringent taste), madhura rasa (Sweet taste), usna virya (Hot nature), Guna Laghu ,rooksha ,Teekshna and amla vipaka (sour post digestive taste).
It is useful in the management of sukra dosa (reproductive fluids) , asmari (Urolithiasis), swasa (respiratory problems), pinasa (Chronic Sinusitis / Cold), kasa (Cough), arsas (haemorrhoids), kapha and vata roga. Excessive use of horse gram leads to increase in rakta pitta kopaka dosha, raktapitta (bleeding disorders).
Ayurveda strongly suggest horsegram seeds for the treatment of piles , conjunctivitis , diarrhea , control diabetes , jaundice and many other diseases.
Ayurvedic Formulations Containing Horsegram
1) Dhanvantaram Ghritam – this formulation is used for treating anaemia , abscess
2) Kolakulathadi Choornam – this formulatin is used for treating inflammation of our joints
3) Sukhaprasava Ghritam – during birth
4) Sarvamayantaka Ghritam – this formulation is used for treating Parkinson’s disease
Horse Gram Health Benefits
1. Horse Gram For Kidney Stones
Horse gram is used in the treatment of kidney stones. It resembles small pebbles or stones in its appearance, and it has been known to treat kidney stones the best. It prevents the formation of calcium oxalate stone in the kidney and regular consumption breaks down stones and eliminates and expels small stones through urine.
2. Horse Gram For Diabetes
Raw horse gram or muthira has amazing benefits of diabetics. The regular consumption of horse gram, reduce blood sugar levels considerably just after consumption. This happens due to the slow digestion of its complex carbohydrates. It creates low insulin resistance in the blood which keeps diabetes in check.
3. Horse Gram For Cholesterol
Horse gram contain high amount of fibre and lipid which help in reducing the LDL lower or in simpler terms it reduces the bad cholesterol level from our body . Horse gram increase the HDL cholesterol level or good cholesterol which helps in taking out the LDL or bad cholesterol from the bloodstream.
4. Horse Gram For Constipation and Digestion
Horse gram contains a high amount of dietary fibre which helps to clear out the gut and to eliminate constipation. Regular consumption is also helpful in reducing acidity, stomach infections and intestinal worms. Its low lipid and sodium content makes it easily digestible.
5. Horse Gram For Irregular Periods
Horse gram is highly beneficial for women having irregular or painful and excessive bleeding during menstrual cycle. The iron content in this pulse increases the haemoglobin levels in blood and prevents loss of blood the body.
6. Horse Gram For Ulcers
Horsegram seeds contain lipid which helps in reducing the ulcers, there are useful for mouth and peptic ulcers , they are not effective for gastric ulcers.
7. Horse Gram For Asthma
Ayurveda recommends a paste of Horse gram combined with pepper to help reduce cough and congestion. It doesn’t cure asthma but helps in providing relief.
8. Horse Gram For Conjunctivitis
As we know horse gram seeds are rich in antioxidants, these antioxidants help reducing the infection and help in keeping eyes calm. For treatment of conjunctivitis it is recommended to soak horse gram seeds in water overnight and remove the seeds and use the remaining water to wash our eyes, do this three times a day for the best results.
9. Horse Gram For Increasing Sperm Count
Horse gram seeds are rich in calcium, phosphorous, iron, and other amino acids which have been known to increase sperm count. These amino acids present are known to promote enzymatic activity which leads to increase in sperm production.
10. Horse Gram For Liver Health
Horse gram seeds have flavonoids and polyphenols , these organic compounds consist of hepatoprotective properties which are like a protective shield to liver , they also facilitate proper functioning of gallbladder.
11. Horse Gram Improves Bone Health
Horse gram has high amount of iron , calcium and protein. It has been studied that horse gram has the highest amount of calcium among pulses thus thereby facilitating in good bone health.
12. Anti – Ageing
Kulth contains Flavonoids and Antioxidants which remove free radicals from the cells and keeps the cells young and healthy. It contains flavonoids which are known to have antiviral, anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.
Apart from these major benefits, muthira is traditionally also used in the treatment of
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Water Retention
- Cough and Cold
- Leucoderma
- Heart Disease
- Rheumatism
- Jaundice
- Intestinal Worms
- Piles
- Conjunctivitis
- Bad Digestion
Horse Gram For Weight Loss
1) Horse gram seeds prevent the storage of fat under the skin and also aids in burning of fat. These seeds are also very low in calories, as these seeds have high protein and dietary fibre. They can keep a person ‘s stomach full , thus it is advised to consumed the seeds in moderation.
2) Horsegram seeds are very easy on your stomach to digest as they contain dietary fibre both soluble and insoluble. As it contains fibres it is helpful in removing the toxins from colon, promotes smooth bowel movement thus aiding in weight loss.
3) As these seeds contain high protein it leads to leads to an increase an hormones which reduce our appetite such as Glucagon-like peptide 1 , also known as GLP 1 , peptide YY and Cholecystokinin hormone and decreasing the hormones which make us feel hungry.
4) Horse gram seeds also increases our metabolism. As previously stated these seeds are high in protein which increases the mitochondria which therefore results in increase in metabolic rate that leads to weight loss.
5) As horse gram seeds also contains carbohydrates it will keep supplying your body with energy. As we tend to lose energy during workout these seeds can be helpful in providing the necessary energy required.
Benefits Of Drinking Horse Gram Water
Horsegram water when added to water makes it a very healthy drink which can bring many benefits to our health which are as follows :
1) Drinking horsegram water can aid in weight loss , this should be most preferably drunk on an empty stomach.
2) Horsegram water can also help in the treatment of urinary discharge.
3) When suffering Leucorrhoea drinking horse gram water can be very beneficial in its treatment.
4) Horse gram water can also aid in digestion.
5) Horse gram water helps in the treatment of constipation.
6) This water can also be very useful in treatment of piles.
7) It helps in reducing free radicals in the body.
8) Horse gram water can be helped to bring down cold and fever .
How to Consume Horsegram?
Now that we have talked about the benefits let’s see the different ways we can consume horse gram. Horse gram can be consumed raw or it can be soaked overnight in water. It can also be consumed by making a powder Also it can be consumed via soup , porridge and curries .
How to make Horse gram Powder
Ingredients Horsegram seeds
Preparation method Step 1 – heat the pan Step 2- put the horsegram seeds in the pan and roast it until a popping sound is heard Step 3 – Add this in mixer and grind well
How to make Horse gram Water
Preparation method Take a glass of water and add horsegram powder to it and mix it Drink this on an empty stomach This water should be drunk twice a day
For weight loss
Step 1 – Take 1-2 tbsp of horse gram seed
Step 2 – add water
Step 3 – keep boiling the water till remains half.
Step 4 — Remove the water , add little salt and asafoetida
How many times should horsegram be consumed in a day ?
It is advised to consume horsegram seeds twice a day , anything in excess is not good Also it should be noted that horsegram can produce heat in body , that’s why it is advised to have buttermilk to balance it .
Ayurvedic Quick Remedies Using Horse Gram
1) If you are suffering from piles, soak the seeds overnight in water , take the water out and drink it when you wake up on an empty stomach.
2) If you are suffering from ulcers, ayurveda has recommended that horsegram seeds be consumed by mashed and raw.
3) If you are suffering from high cholesterol level , it is advised to have horsegram seed on an empty stomach .
4) If you are suffering from conjunctivitis, soak the seeds overnight and once that water has been removed splash it on your eyes twice a day .
5) You are suffering from diabetes, it is advised to have horsegram seeds in a raw state on an empty stomach.
6) When swelling is there, ayurveda recommends a paste of Horsegram seeds to reduce the swelling.
7) The smoke of the burnt, horsegram seeds can be used to treat hiccups.
8) For the treatment renal calculi, the usage of Horsegram seeds is recommended.
9) For the treatment of helminthes disorders ,the infusion of Horsegram seeds with cows milk is recommended.
Caution and Side Effects of Horse Gram:
Consumption of Horse Gram is only recommended for people living in cold areas or during the winter season as it is considered hot in nature. Consumption during summers can increase pitta and may aggravate pitta related health issues. For main information on pitta, read this.
Horse gram is not advised for pregnant women, tuberculosis patients and people wanting to gain weight.
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I have a condition where the iron content in my blood is very high because of which i have to donate blood regularly. I was told that eating Horse Gram would help solve this problem. But you have mentioned that Horse Gram is rich in Iron. Then how will it reduce the iron level in my blood?