Punarnavasavam is an Ayurvedic herbal wine derived from the plant named Punarnava (meaning “New Again” in Hindi) as the main ingredient. It has great detoxifying benefits by effectively rejuvenating and empowering the functions of main Organs that eliminate toxins from our bodies- Liver, Kidney and the Digestive system. Bhaishajya Ratnavali– an ancient Ayurvedic text also mentions its usage and benefits in ailments that are difficult to cure involving inflammation and oedema. It’s a considerably safe and balanced formulation suiting all Doshas- Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Benefits include weight loss, Kidney disease, Liver and Spleen enlargement, gastritis and cardiac/ heart issues.
Scientific name: Boerhavia diffusa
Punarnava Plant Image
Punarnava is bitter in taste and the fruit is sticky. It is a creeper weed commonly found dispersed throughout India, the Pacific and the southern United States. The plant is known to grow in two varieties: one with green stems and another with red stems. Leaves are 3-5cms long with pinkish-red flowers. Roots are also used in medicinal purposes.
The one with the red stems is more beneficial for use in cough, haemoptysis (bloody cough) and menorrhagia (menstrual pain).
Actions Of Punarnava Plant
Major actions of Punarnava plant are enumerated below:
- Anti-inflammatory (Shotha Rogadhikara in Sanskrit)- reduces swelling and inflammation.
- Cholagogue – agent promoting discharge and propulsion of bile from the system.
- Diuretic – that which expels fluid/ water content from the body and thus helps to reduce oedematous conditions.
- Expectorant – that breaks up mucus and promotes cough reflex for expulsion mucus.
- Anti-microbial – that which acts against organisms causing diseases.
- Haematinic– that which promotes the purification of blood.
- Analgesic – roots of Punarnava act as a painkiller.
- Anticonvulsant – prevent or reduce the severity of epileptic fits or convulsions.
- Antihyperlipidemic – improves the deranged lipid (cholesterol)profile.
- Antioxidant and Depurative – one which detoxifies and purifies the body.
- Anti-Ulcerogenic – works against the formation of ulcers.
- Carminative – helping in the expulsion of excess gas from the intestines.
These actions make it useful in a wide variety of health conditions.
Punarnavasavam Uses & Benefits:
Punarnavasavam is a liquid formulation made from the fermenting process of the active ingredient punarnava plant and other herbs with 5-10% self-generated alcohol which is helpful in the effective delivery of active constituents of the formulation to the body. It is usually a well-tolerated formula with almost no severe adverse-effects if taken in prescribed dosages.
This preparation is quite helpful in the purification of blood and is also used in anaemic conditions to increase blood formation (along with the help of other ingredients in the formulation).
Renoprotective/ Kidney protection
In conditions of dysuria (painful micturition/ passage of urine) due to Urinary Bladder or Kidney stones and Urinary Tract Infections, this preparation is helpful. It also helps in preserving kidney functions and deters deterioration in chronic kidney disease, nephritis and renal failure. It is usually co-prescribed with other formulations to control serum urea, creatinine and uric acid levels which are determinants of Kidney function.
In situations where Liver is enlarged (Hepatomegaly) due to inflammation, it is used with formulations like Aarogyavardhini Vati or Tupyadi Lauh, due to its anti-inflammatory properties thus reducing pressure on the hepatic cells (hepatocytes) and preserves optimal Hepatic function. Also protects the liver from Fatty deposition (Fatty Liver), cirrhosis and hepatitis.
In Hepatitis, symptoms of loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, jaundice and loose motions are relieved as it acts as an Antiviral and antibacterial agent against organisms of hepatitis.
This medicine also helps to protect and preserve optimal splenic function. It reduces the size of spleen in splenomegaly.
The green stemmed variety of Punarnava is beneficial for reduction of inflammation in the Gout affected joints (Gouty Arthritis).
Digestive system
Helps in effective working of Digestive functions and thus in intestinal colic (pain), low appetite, loose motions, nausea, vomiting, indigestion and haemorrhoids.
Weight Loss
Punarnavasavam also aids weight loss by-
- Managing digestion issues like constipation.
- Maintaining optimal diuretic function of Kidney and urinary bladder to flush out toxins more efficiently without losing out on essential elements like potassium and other electrolytes.
- Diuresis or expulsion of water from the body leading to a reduction in Water retention (one of the reasons for weight gain).
Individuals can take Punarnava tea regularly for weight loss.
Improves Eyesight And Brightens The Face
By its action of purifying the blood, the visual acuity is enhanced and facial skin gets red and brightened. Roots of Punarnava plant when rubbed with honey and topically applied in eyes, treat chronic conjunctivitis and blepharitis.
Abdominal Tumour or Mass
It helps in reducing swelling in a tumour mass.
Punarnavasavam For Skin Disease
In skin disease involving swelling, inflammation and foul-smelling discharge, Punarnavasavam is quite helpful and reduces pain too.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Arthritis (joint pains) arising as a result of Amavata (disturbed vata dosha leading to the formation and accumulation of Ama-toxins in joints) are cured by Punarnavasavam.
Acid Peptic Disease
Also referred to as Hyperacidity/ heartburn or gastritis where there is high production of acid in the stomach with or without ulcers formation, it halts the acid production on the stomach bed. It is a great tonic for Stomach health and thus helps in all digestive matters like indigestion, flatulence, pain abdomen and loss of appetite.
Spinal Disc Herniation
Also known as a Slipped disc and disc bulge to common man, where swelling and inflammation in the disc causes considerable pain, Punarnavasavam is used as an anti-inflammatory and also reduces swelling by diuresis thus relieving this condition (Usually co-prescribed with Balarishtha – a great tonic for developing Muscle and nerve strength).
Roots of the plant also help in an epileptic fit and avoid convulsions.
Cardiac Conditions
Congestive heart failure (C.H.F) patients benefit due to its Diuretic action (expulsion of water/ fluid from the body). It’s also used as a mild Antihypertensive due to its diuretic property.
It’s also been used in states with deranged lipids (fat/ cholesterol) profile.
Formulations made from the red-stemmed variety of Punarnava plant are especially beneficial in relieving cough and hemoptysis (bloody cough).
Menstrual pains/ cramps are also managed with this medication.
Punarnavasavam Ingredients
Sunti– Ginger – Zingiber Officinalis– Rhizome-16 g
Pippali – Long pepper – Piper longum – Fruit – 16 g
Maricha – Pepper – Piper nigrum -Fruit – 16 g
Haritaki – Terminalia chebula – Fruit rind – 16 g
Darvi – Berberis aristata – Stem – 16 g
Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellirica – Fruit rind – 16 g
Amla– Emblica Officinalis – Fruit – 16 g
Gokshura – Tribulus Terrestris – Root / whole plant – 16 g
Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum – Root / whole plant – 16 g
Brihati – Solanum Indicum – Root / whole plant – 16 g
Vasaka – Adhatoda Vasica – Root – 16 g
Erandamoola Castor root – Ricinus communis – 16 g
Katuki – Picrorrhiza Kurroa – Root – 16 g
Punarnava – Boerhaavia diffusa – Root – 16 g
Gajapippali Scindapsus Officinalis – Fruit – 16 g
Neem- Azadirachta Indica– Stem bark- 16g
Pichumarda – Neem – Azadirachta indica – Stem bark – 16 g
Guduchi – Giloya – Tinospora cordifolia – Stem – 16 g
Patola – Trichosanthes dioica – leaf – 16 g
Shushka Mulaka – Dry Radish – Raphanus sativus – root – 16 g
Duralabha – Fagonia cretica – Root – 16 g
Madhu- Honey-800g
Draksha- dry Grapes- Vitis Venifera- 320g
Sugar- 1.6kgs
Water- 8.19 ltrs
How is Punarnavasavam prepared? Recipe
Above 23 mentioned herbs are first coarsely ground and then mixed with Sugar-water syrup and then packed in a clean dry container. This container is sealed and kept for fermentation process for 1 month during which 5-10% self-generated alcohol is formed within the formulation. Alcohol also helps to lengthen the shelf-life of the formula. This is finally filtered and then seal stored as a medicine.
Dosage/ How to Use Punarnavasavam?
Adults: 12-24 ml mixed with the same amount of water to be taken once or twice a day after meals. 12 ml dose is for mild to moderate symptoms and 24ml for the amelioration of severe symptoms. Intake can be continued for 1-2 months.
Children: For Children under 5 yrs of age, the dose is given in diminished amount to be safer- please refer to your doctor for adequate doses.
Pregnant and Lactating mothers: Pregnant ladies should take this medication under Strict Medical supervision and avoid any attempts of self-medication. In Lactating states, it is usually given in reduced doses under medical supervision.
- Always take medicine after food as it may lead to stomach upset in empty stomach in some individuals.
- Keep a time gap of up to half an hour between other medicines or supplements.
- Owing to Punarnavasavam’s very high sugar content, its use in Diabetic patients is avoided or carefully supervised medically. Mention your doctor about the Diabetic state.
- Very High doses can cause temporary and reversible Blood pressure variations. Hence use with caution in hypertensive patients.
Expiry Date
Punarnavasavam liquid formulation remains Unaltered in efficiency up to 10 yrs after bottled and sealed in containers (Shelf-life).
However, once opened, it needs to be consumed within 6 months for best efficacy as it slowly loses potency thereafter in an opened bottle state.
Punarnavasavam Buying Availability
- Ashwini Pharmaceuticals (INR 99 for 450ml)
- Kerala Ayurveda (INR 99 for 435ml)
- Jbharath (INR for 450ml)
- Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala (INR for 450ml)
Side Effects
There are no major side effects to Punarnavasavam in prescribed dosages. But caution must be served while prescribing to children, especially less than 5 yrs of age, pregnant and lactating mothers.
- Mild to moderate gastric irritation may occur in over-dosages.
- Temporary Blood pressure variations are sometimes noted in some individuals taking very high doses.
- High Blood sugar: Blood sugar levels need to be monitored in diabetic patients as it is a high-sugar content preparation.
Always consult a qualified therapist before starting the treatment.
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