Yogaraja Guggulu Ayurvedic Medicine For Joint And Intestinal Disorders
Yogaraja Guggulu Ayurvedic Medicine For Joint And Intestinal Disorders, Uses, Benefits And Side Effects, Dosage, Ingredients And Preparation
Yogaraja Guggulu Ayurvedic Medicine For Joint And Intestinal Disorders, Uses, Benefits And Side Effects, Dosage, Ingredients And Preparation
Top 10 Ayurvedic Herbs To Fight Viral Fever, Ayurvedic Herbs For Immunity, Common Medicinal Preparations, Side Effects & Precautions #herbsforhealth #healthsupplements #ayurveda #honeyfurforher
Vijaysar, Pterocarpus Marsupium, Uses & Benefits For Diabetes, Skin, Intestinal Worms, Diarrhoea, Weight Loss, Cholesterol, Side Effects
Jel Neti Kriya For Nasal Congestion, Asthma, Deviated Septum, Eyesight, Tinnitus, Insomnia, Benefits, Common Questions & Side Effects
Ash Gourd, Winter Melon, Kushmand, Uses, Benefits For Brain, Acidity, Digestive Disorders, Skin & Hair Problems, Ash Gourd Juice Side Effects
Amalaki / Indian Gooseberry: Ayurvedic Super Immunity Booster, Uses, Benefits For Skin, Hair, Diabetes, Bone Health, Side Effects
Patol Patra, Trichosanthes Dioica, Pointed Gourd For Heart, Blood Purifier, Diabetes: Ayurvedic Uses, Benefits & Side Effects
Cow Milk In Ayurveda, Should you be using pasteurized milk? What is the best time to take milk? Cow’s milk good for pitta dosha? #ayurveda #ayurvedalife #honeyfurforher #cowmilk
Ashwagandha is one of the most well-known herbs in the traditional Ayurvedic medicine system. Known as Ashwagandha in Sanskrit, its name literally means the horse’s (Ashwa) smell (gandha). This name is attributed to its roots which smell like a horse’s urine. It is also said that the herb has the ability to provide vitality like that … Read more
11 Miraculous Ayurvedic Herbs For Pain Relief And Inflammation, Herbs For Pain, Anti Inflammatory Herbs, Ayurveda For Pain Relief