Did you know that the majority of the body’s mood-boosting hormone – serotonin – is present in the stomach lining and not the head, contrary to popular belief. This is why it is extremely important to take care of your digestive system which not only helps to digest food but is also responsible for cell repair and regeneration. This is where Ayurveda’s magic potion, Jeerakarishtam comes into play.
From treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome and low appetite to taking care of diarrhoea and post-natal needs, this medicine is a must-have if digestive disorders and postpartum care on your priority list. It was first mentioned in the ancient Ayurvedic text, “Bhaishajya Ratnavali” or the book containing the Gems of Medicinal Values which was written in the 19 century A.D. by Shri Govinda Dasji.
Another thing to note is that this medicine is known by many names such as Jirakadyarishtam, Jeerakadyarishta, etc. This medicine pacifies the Kapha and Vata doshas but is known to aggravate the Pitta dosha.
“Ayurveda is a holistic science and lays emphasis on preserving and promoting the fitness of healthy individuals besides giving methods for treatment of diseases. Health is defined in Ayurveda as “soundness of body, organs and mind.” ― Sharadini Arun Dahanukar
Recommended Dosage
- Syrup form: 5-10 ml for children and 10-20 ml for adults. This medicine can be taken 2x a day for a period of 2-3 months. The maximum possible dosage is 60 ml in divided doses.
Important: Ideally, you can take this medicine after consuming your meal with equal amounts of water. Suitable adjuvants include dhanwantaram gulika, vayu gulika, asalyadi, etc.
What Makes Jeerakarishtam So Powerful?
Jeerakarishtam, as the name suggests is made of jeera/cumin which is the best spice for all things-digestion related along with 13 other key ingredients. Here’s a low-down of its composition:
- Jeera/Cumin Seeds (6 kg)
- Water (49 kg)
- Jaggery/Gur (14.4 kg)
- Dhataki/Woodfordia Fruticosa (768 gm)
- Saunth/Dried Ginger Root (96 gm)
Plus, around 48 gm each of the following:
6. Jaiphal/Nutmeg
7. Mustak/Nut Grass
8. Dalchini/Cinnamon
9. Tejpatta/Indian Bay Leaf
10. Elaichi/Cardamom
11. Nagkesar/Mesua Ferrea
12. Ajwain/Carom Seeds
13. Kababchini/Kankola
14. Laung/Clove
The Process
The two biggest advantages of preparing this medicine? One, you’ll notice that most of the ingredients in this Ayurvedic preparation can be found in your kitchen. Two, it can be easily prepared without engaging in any complex steps. So let’s look at the preparation process:
Step 1: Prepare a Jeera Kwath (decoction) by adding jeera to water and letting it boil till it gets reduced to half the original quantity (24.5 kg in this case).
Step 2: Keep the ingredients in an Asava-Arishta vessel (mud pot) for 30 days. Make sure to close the pot as tightly as possible so that fermentation can occur. Asava-Arishta are Ayurvedic methods which require medicinal herbs to be soaked in their powder/decoction form in a jaggery solution.
Step 3: Strain the liquid after 30 days and store the final product in glass bottles.
That’s it, and you’re done!
Medicinal Properties & Characteristics
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-oxidant
- Appetizer
- Carminative
- Digestive stimulant
- Laxative
- Restorative tonic
- Anti-spasmodic
- Anti-bacterial
Jeerakarishtam’s All-Powerful Uses
Like mentioned before, Jeerakadyarishtam helps in treating all kinds of digestion-related health issues and offers multiple other benefits such as:
- Improves appetite, increase absorption of bio-nutrients in the body, and enhances the system’s digestive capacity.
- Comes with anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties and caters to post-natal needs. For example, it acts as a potent uterine detoxifier and helps to eliminate toxins from the uterus post-delivery.
- Reduces gas formation and indigestion, and treats peptic ulcers.
- Lowers flatulence, excessive bloating, and excessive thirst.
- Treats loose stools with mucous (IBS) and diarrhoea, and related symptoms such as insomnia, gas, burning, bloating, and mild abdominal pain.
- Treats skin issues such as itching, marks, boils, etc.
- Strengthens the stomach, liver, and intestines.
- Corrects respiratory disorders such as asthma.
Jeerakarishtam’s Benefits
Jeerakarishtam For Weight Loss
Since Jeerakarishtam helps to absorb the nutrients properly in the body, it boosts the systems digestive power and aids in weight loss. Note that in addition to consuming this medicine, maintaining an active lifestyle and engaging in a healthy diet is paramount for losing weight.
Postpartum Care
This medicine is safe to use post-delivery as it enhances lactation, reduces body pain and stiffness, stimulates normal functioning of the uterus, wards off infections, eases mental stress and anxiety, and helps to boost the mother’s immune system. Plus, it re-energizes the body and reduces physical debility post-delivery. That’s not all. Mothers who have an aggravated Pitta system can take this medicine instead of dashmoolarishta to treat postpartum fever and infections.
Consuming this medicine along with Kutajadi Vati can treat diarrhoea and its accompanying health issues such as burning, heat sensation, foul smell, etc.
Jeerakarishta’s Side-Effects & Precautionary Measures
- People who are allergic to cumin should avoid this medicine.
- Jirakadyarishtam contains sugar; hence diabetic patients should consult their doctor and then consume it. Also, they should check their blood sugar levels on a regular basis as a precautionary measure.
- This medicine contains jaiphal (nutmeg) which is not good for pregnant mothers and hence, should be avoided during pregnancy.
- Lactating mothers can consume this medicine in appropriate amounts.
- It contains 5-10% self-generated alcohol.
In addition to taking care of the above-mentioned measures, remember that excessive consumption of Jeerakarishtam can lead to:
- Indigestion
- Acid reflux
- Constipation
- Vomiting
- High blood pressure
- Low blood sugar level
- Palpitation
- Burning sensation