Ash Gourd / Kushmand: A Digestive And Brain Tonic For Daily Use!
Ash Gourd, Winter Melon, Kushmand, Uses, Benefits For Brain, Acidity, Digestive Disorders, Skin & Hair Problems, Ash Gourd Juice Side Effects
Ash Gourd, Winter Melon, Kushmand, Uses, Benefits For Brain, Acidity, Digestive Disorders, Skin & Hair Problems, Ash Gourd Juice Side Effects
Patol Patra, Trichosanthes Dioica, Pointed Gourd For Heart, Blood Purifier, Diabetes: Ayurvedic Uses, Benefits & Side Effects
Ashwagandha is one of the most well-known herbs in the traditional Ayurvedic medicine system. Known as Ashwagandha in Sanskrit, its name literally means the horse’s (Ashwa) smell (gandha). This name is attributed to its roots which smell like a horse’s urine. It is also said that the herb has the ability to provide vitality like that … Read more
Vrikshamla, Garcinia Cambogia, Garcinia Indica Ayurvedic Herb For Weight Loss, Stress, Fatigue, Diabetes, Uses, Benefits & Side Effects
Agnimantha Premna integrifolia Properties, Benefits, Uses For Neuralgia, Digestive Disorders, Weight Loss, Lymphadenitis & Piles, Side Effects
Medical Reviewer: Dr Surabhi Rawat Guggulu is popular among people since ancient times for being an ayurvedic herb that is helpful in many conditions. Guggulu, a Sanskrit as well as Hindi term means ‘that which provides protection against diseases’. Guggul is mentioned as Gulgulu in the ancient Atharva Veda and is described as ‘Agni Sthana’ … Read more
Narasimha Rasayanam is an ayurvedic Rasayana or precisely an ayurvedic medicated product. With butter as a base product, it has a buttery or jam-like texture. The Rasayana is not only used for the treatment of many disorders but as a full body tonic or a dietary supplement for enhanced general well-being. It forms a major … Read more
Katuki is a small hairy perennial herb with elongate, stout creeping rootstock and withered leaf base. The botanical name is Picrorhiza kurroa, and the Hindi name is kutaki, usually pronounced, kutki. The Sanskrit name ‘Katuki’ means ‘That which envelops diseases’. It is usually found in the Himalayas and belongs to the family of Scrophulariaceae. Its … Read more
Ayurveda places Harad at the highest pedestal which is why it is also called the ‘King of medicines.’ Ancient medicine systems claim that Harad holds the power to cure all diseases. Even the Tibetan medicine system reveres Harad in the same amount as Ayurveda does. Although the two systems classify the herb differently, the accepted … Read more
Nagfani (in Hindi) commonly known as Prickly Pear or Opuntia in English is a cactus plant belonging to Cactaceae family. The most commonly used species of Nagfani is the Indian fig opuntia or Opuntia ficus-indica (botanical name). The name Nagfani is because the pad of this cactus resembles the face of a serpent. The … Read more