Bala: The Ultimate Ayurvedic Nervine Tonic : Uses, Benefits, & Side-Effects

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“Ayurveda is a sister philosophy to yoga. It is the science of life or longevity and it teaches about the power and the cycles of nature, as well as the elements.” ― Christy Turlington It’s a common fact that almost everyone who reaches the age of 50 starts experiencing knee pain. So much so, that … Read more

Udumbara: The Blue Lotus Plant That’s Life-Affirming: Uses, Benefits, Side-Effects

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“When Lord Vishnu manifested himself as Narasimha to protect Prahlada and destroy Hiranyakasyapa, his nails were drenched with poison as he tore the demon’s stomach. As a result, Narasimha’s nails were seething with great heat and pain. Goddess Lakshmi, seeing the suffering of Her Lord, plucked some fruits of the Audumber Tree which she happened … Read more

Ashwagandharishtam – Uses, Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage and Side Effects

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‘Ashwagandha’ or Withania Somnifera is a very popular Ayurvedic herb that has also gained favour in the Western world for its ‘adaptogenic’ qualities. This root and leaves of the plant have been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years as a ‘rejuvenative’ that helps the body deal with physiological and psychological stress by adapting to … Read more